Maria-Cristina Lodovica-Maher and family.  From L-R:  Chris, Ali, John, Tina and Alex - 

Family tidbits:   John and Tina celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in June, 2000.  A big party was held at the Newcastle Island Pavilion, a 1930's dance hall just across the harbour from Nanaimo.  Friends and family came by boat, ferry, kayak, etc. and danced up a storm, many camping overnight in the spacious campgrounds. 

The year 2000 is also their first time to celebrate their first Christmas as "empty nesters" (Kids finally grew up and moved-away, tons of extra money to spend, among others).  Alison, the demure looking lass above is in her second year at UBC taking up various arts courses and aiming for International Relations.  Alex is into music and plays in a band.  He's writing new tunes and refining the sound and will soon release their first CD.  Chris is the family explorer and has moved to Rossland BC to look into some new sites to explore.  Tina has gone hi-tech this year with her first attempt at electronic mail.  Yes, email... and she actually touched the keyboard and produced several lines.  She and her classmates found a new toy to get in touch with each other and plan a mini-reunion in Southern California.  

This is Maria Cristina Lodovica-Maher and husband John.  She's a registered nurse and John is an Environmental-Biologist.  They have two sons and a daughter and presently in lovely Vancouver, Canada.  Maria Cristina or "Tina" for short, as you can see, has not changed a bit from our high school days.  Well, a wrinkle or two, perhaps, but not that much.  This is a recollection from someone who used to sit just across her desk in high school.  Tina still has that soft smile on her face, which at times denote sadness, but watch her laugh and you better be out of the way.  Why?  Because she starts hitting you all over at the same time she belts out that laughter.

Both John and Tina are ballroom dancers.  They help organize dances around Nanaimo, BC.  They're both members of the club executive this year and if you watch ballroom dancing on local TV WTN and see the Snow Ball 2000 replayed, you'd see them.

Here's one for Tina and John... watch out John, Tina might be small but times...... do......... We'll tell you during the reunion....